Basic aerodynamic equations expressed by partial derivatives along an arbitrary stream surface in semi-orthogonal curvilinear coordinate system 半正交曲线坐标系中沿任意流面的气动力学基本方程
They form a three-parametric, orthogonal net and may be chosen as coordinate lines of a special, curvilinear coordinate system. 它们形成三参数正交网,可以把它们选作特殊曲线坐标系的坐标线。
The purpose of this paper is to extend its application to solution of incompressible Navier-Stokes equations in non-orthogonal curvilinear coordinate system by the finite difference method. 这种逆风因子法是作者在用有限元素法解不可压N-S方程中提出来的。
In this paper, the equations of motion of particles in an AVF cyclotron in a curvilinear coordinate system are derived for the cases of with and without space charge forces. 首先,详细推导了AVF型回旋加速器中束团粒子在曲线坐标系中的动力学方程(考虑和不考虑空间电荷相互作用力两种情况)。
Generalized matrix method and its applications on nonorthogonal curvilinear coordinate system 广义矩阵法及其在非正交曲线坐标系中的应用
The flow equations are solved using finite difference technique. Using body-fitted curvilinear coordinate system treats the boundary conditions. 将有限差分法应用于流动方程及叶片方程的求解,采用贴体坐标系统处理边界条件。
The basic equations and the corresponding boundary conditions of the viscous-layer model in an orthogonal curvilinear coordinate system are given. 文中给出了在任意非正交坐标下粘性层模型的基本方程和边界条件。
The governing equations of flow and sediment under the body-fitted curvilinear coordinate system are discretized with the finite volume method. 采用有限体积法(SIMPLEC程式)对拟合坐标系下的水沙基本控制方程进行了离散,在求解过程中采用了欠松弛技术和逐线迭代法。
Study on Technique for Generating Boundary-Orthogonal Curvilinear Coordinate Grid Using the Biharmonic Equations 双调和方程生成正交曲线坐标网格技术的研究
Exterior Differential and Field's Orthogonal Curvilinear Coordinate Form 外微分和场的正交曲线坐标形式
Research on Boussinesq Equations in Orthogonal Curvilinear Coordinate System 正交曲线坐标下Boussinesq方程的初步研究
In this paper, a curved rotational shell element including the effects of transverse shear deformation in orthogonal curvilinear coordinate system has been used to analyse the free vibration of some different types of shells of revolution. 本文采用正交曲线坐标系中考虑横向剪切变形的双曲旋转壳单元,对几种不同类型的旋转壳的自由振动进行了分析。
Application of curvilinear coordinate transformation technique to generation of triangle grid system 曲线拟合坐标变换技术在三角形网格生成中的应用
A Comparison of the Streamline Curvature Method with the Finite Difference Method in Non& orthogonal Curvilinear Coordinate System 在曲线坐标系中流线曲率法与有限差分法的比较
In this paper the curved shell elements in orthogonal curvilinear coordinate systems are established. 本文建立了正交曲线坐标中的曲壳单元。
The Boundary Element Analysis of Diffusion Problem under Orthogonal Curvilinear Coordinate System 正交曲线坐标系下扩散问题的边界元分析
This paper offers ideas and methodology of application the method of restoring nucleus to solving viscous flow field in turbine, as well as in curvilinear coordinate system, and demonstrates the procedure of solving flow function integral equations. 本文给出了用再生核方法求解叶轮机粘性流场的思路和方法,以及如何在曲线坐标系中应用再生核方法,并给出了流函数积分方程的求解过程。
In this paper a method for deriving the corresponding finite difference equation in the rectangular coordinate system from the finite difference approximation to Laplace equation in the general orthogonal curvilinear coordinate system has been described. 本文从普遍的正交曲线坐标系中的拉普拉斯(Laplace)差分方程出发,导出了直角坐标系中的差分方程;
A New Algorithm of Calculation Complex System Angular Velocity in An Orthogonal Curvilinear coordinate System 求正交曲线坐标系中复杂系统角速度的新方法
The expansions of viscous terms in the basic aerodynamic equations in non-orthogonal curvilinear coordinate and method of their numerical differentiation 气动力学基本方程中的粘性项在非正交曲线座标系中的展开式及其数值微分方法
An improved implicit approximate factorization algorithm for the generation of body-fitted curvilinear coordinate systems has been developed. 本文提出一种改进的贴体坐标隐式近似因子分解生成方法。
A convenient and effective triangle grid generation method is obtained by applying curvilinear coordinate transformation technique. 将曲线拟合坐标变换技术应用于三角形网格生成中,形成一种方便、有效的三角形网格生成方法。
An algorithm of matrix for angular velocity in an arbitrary orthogonal curvilinear coordinate system 任意正交曲线坐标系中角速度的矩阵算法
Go a step further, beginning with the relation of the general curvilinear coordinate system and its corresponding reciprocal base, we derived the description of the particle's motion in the reciprocal base, and the covariant components of the particle's motion were obtained as well. 进一步地,从一般曲线坐标系与其对应倒基的关系出发,导出了一般曲线坐标系对应倒基下对质点运动的描述,并进而给出了质点运动对应的协变分量。
Application of the upwind factor method to solution of incompressible Navier-Stokes equations in non-orthogonal curvilinear coordinate system 逆风因子法在非正交曲线坐标系中解不可压N-S方程中的应用
A numerical calculation of turbulent flow in general non-orthogonal curvilinear coordinate system 任意非正交曲线坐标系中湍流的数值计算
Using matrix as a powerful mathematical tool, we present the description of a particle's motion in general curvilinear coordinate system. 利用矩阵这一强有力的数学工具,给出了一般曲线坐标系下质点运动的描述。
Based on the research work of former summarized and the need of the research task, the systemic review is made of one-dimensional river networks, two and three dimensional curvilinear coordinate transformation, turbulent model, free surface and water quality model. 本文根据前人研究工作的总结和本课题研究的需要,对一维河网、二维及三维曲线坐标变换、湍流模型、自由表面流动、水质模型进行了系统的文献综述。
The governing equations are solved by using finite difference method in a general curvilinear coordinate system. 控制方程在曲线坐标下采用有限差分法进行求解。
Not only in Cartesian coordinate system but also in curvilinear coordinate system, Incompressible Navier-Stokes equation is calculated by the high-order numerical method. 并用该高精度数值方法分别计算了笛卡尔坐标系不可压缩Navier-Stokes方程和一般曲线坐标系不可压缩Navier-Stokes方程。